Cul-de-sac #7 The Adult Geek Issue
by Julie Halpern and Liz Mason
B&w with blue cover, 5.5"x8.5", xerox, 48p, stapled
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True to the zinester "When I'm Damn Good and Ready" publishing schedule, Gen Xers and lifelong friends Liz Mason and Julie Halpern have published a new issue of Cul-de-sac 20 years after the last issue. This time around they're looking at what it's like to navigate the world of their beloved pop culture experiences as adults (Carrie Fischer! Ancient Aliens! Out of Order from Don't Just Sit There), but with the perspective of adults with adult responsibilities asking the big questions: what does an adult do when her D&D group breaks up? What do you do when you're old enough to realize that no subculture you gain access to will ever feel like home? How does one navigate the horror of fertility issues at a horror convention? How do you get your significant other to dress up like the Tenth Doctor? CDS #7 proves that life actually gets better the more complicated it becomes.