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Behind the Zines #12

Behind the Zines #12

by Heather Andercats, Chris Aumen, Marc Fischer, Anna Gecko, Rebeca Alamo Gonzalez, Ayun Halliday, Cynthia E. Hanifin, Jim Joyce, Ed Kemp, Liz Mason, Billy McCall, Angela Page, Johnny Gamber PhD, Saeko Reed and Todd Taylor

Half-size, black and white, 40 pages long.


The August 2021 issue!

The zine about zines! This issue features 14 different contributors, talkin' zines. Todd Taylor of Razorcake discusses the importance of organization, Cynthia talks about Zine Club Chicago, Ed Kemp and Johnny Gamber discuss the overlap of pencil nerds and zine nerds! Chris Aumen, of Reglar Wiglar, wrote a piece on why you should or shouldn't use social media to promote zines. Liz Mason talks about creating the world's worst zine.

Also zine reviews! Also, zine astrology! If you like zines, you'll like this zine. Pretty simple.

Contributors include:

Saeko Reed (who did the cover)

Billy McCall

Anna Gecko

Angela Page

Jim Joyce

Todd Taylor

Ed Kemp

Johnny Gamber

Ayun Halliday

Marc Fischer

Chris Aumen

Liz Mason

Cynthia Hanifin

Heather Andercats

Rebeca Alamo Gonzalez



More by Heather Andercats, Chris Aumen, Marc Fischer, Anna Gecko, Rebeca Alamo Gonzalez, Ayun Halliday, Cynthia E. Hanifin, Jim Joyce, Ed Kemp, Liz Mason, Billy McCall, Angela Page, Johnny Gamber PhD, Saeko Reed and Todd Taylor