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Home / Store / Zines / Behind the Zines #10
by Johnnie B Baker, Anna Jo Beck, Mark Cunning, Mike Faloon, Jenna Freedman, Corinne Halbert, Ed Kemp, Liz Mason, Billy McCall, Sarah Mirk, Nyx, Brian Polk, Gianni Simone and Todd Taylor
5.5"x8.5", 40p, b+w, xeroxed, stapled
A zine about zines, edited/compiled by Billy "Proof I Exist" McCall (aka Billy Da Bunny aka Billy Roberts aka the guy who founded Loop Distro). By zine fans and publishers for zine fans and publishers. In his words: Behind the Zines #10, released in July of 2020. If you've seen previous issues, it's along the same lines. This is a zine about zines! If you are in the zine scene, as a writer, library, zinefest organizer, etc, then you will dig this zine, I promise. But even if you simply read zines, and want to know more about what makes a zinester tick, this will probably still be of interest. A chance for zine-makers to talk shop. The first two articles are about what it's like to own your own home-photocopier. There's an article about the recent #quaranzinefest that took place all over the internet. A few people talked about what it's like to be a zine-maker during a pandemic. There is a short comic by Corinne Halbert, a zine review by Nyx, an article by Razorcake's Todd Taylor, a story by Brian Polk about all the imagined zines he would write if he had more time... An article and a great cover by Sarah Mirk. It comes out twice a year, so here ya go.
Want to see Billy 1-800-ing this shit? Watch his hilarious commercial here.