Awesome Things #3
by Liz Mason
28p, 4.25"x5.5", b+w, photocopied on to white paper, purple card stock cover, saddle-stitch stapled
Liz Mason here. This is a list of things I find awesome, sometimes with elaboration, sometimes with illustration, always with love, and definitely some sass. I made a first issue of Awesome Things, and the reception was so good that I did another issue, and then the reaction to that was so good I made a third one. What kinds of things did I list in this one? Things like: using licorice as straws, planless weekends, Ernest Borgnine's eyebrows in "The Devil's Rain," cubed gum that's like a little gnocci of delightful cud, the "fantastical metaphysical bureaucratic red tape" trope aka the afterlife's paperworky office as a premise on a show like "The Good Place." Stuff like that. A number of people have told me they carry this zine around in their bag and whip it out at moments they want inspiration. Rock! -LM