Remember jumping up and down on the bed to your favorite music, or dancing with your friends when you were a kid to your favorite song? That's what Dance Dance Party Party is. It's a one hour dance party workout that originated in New York, then made its way to Chicago in 2007. DDPP Chicago has provided a refuge for dancing where female-identified folks can dance, a "class" that operates with the motto: "no boys, no booze, no judgement." There's no instructor, so you can do whatever you want once the music starts and the disco lights go on, whether it's poppin' and lockin' or doing yoga in the corner. A different dancer makes the playlist for each session, and everybody wears workout clothes. DDPP has chapters all over the world now, but Chicago currently serves as the lead chapter, where it happens twice a week. This zine celebrates DDPP Chicago in all of its glory: the story of its humble beginnings with a tiny sound system up through the volunteer "den mothers" that run it now, as well as its effect on those who have experienced this cult phenomenon; many DDPP participants have cited it as being instrumental in their own personal growth. This oral history of sorts includes contributions from Chicago founders Jenn Brandel and Jennifer Martin as well as many others. DDPP Zine Zine is an artifact that's part cultural preservation of a culture, part description of a successful autonomous zone, and ALL DANCE PARTY. -LM