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Awesome Things

Awesome Things

by Liz Mason

24p, 4.25"x5.5", b+w, staplebound


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Liz Mason here! I do this cheeseball thing where every night I write in this journal a bunch of things I loved from that day. It might be things that happened or just actual stuff (clip art books! the sound of cat paws on the duvet! the way Ozzy missed the cup when he was pouring orange juice in his kitchen in the Decline of Western Civilization Pt II!). At some point I decided, "Hey! I should totally put this in a zine." And I did. So you know, don't worry be happy, everything is awesome, come on people smile on your brother etc etc etc. Now go enjoy animals who stick their heads out of cars! I sure do. It's documented in this zine. -LM


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