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On Alchemy and the Symbolics of Color
by Brian Cotnoir
5"x7.5" color, 32p
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Alchemical practice entails physical laboratory work with minerals and metals as well as a more Neo-Platonic meditative practice concerning the ascent of the soul and union with the One.
Color is used to express the processes and stages in both of these aspects. This zine, working with the idea that a symbolics is “contained within sensory images,” looks at how our experience of color arises. It begins with the cosmos and alchemical theory and moves to the physics and biology of color and color vision, early theories of color perception, psychology, and spiritual frameworks.
By no means exhaustive, the zine is a source, a collection of trail heads into the question of how to create a symbolics of color.
ΝΟΤΕ: This is Not a color symbol codebook.
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