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Home / Store / Zines / Razorblades and Aspirin #8
8.5"x 11", 80p, full color offset printed, perfect bound
RBA goes from a photo zine to an actual fanzine. Short interviews and photospreads from photographers Christina Carlsen (Denmark), Carlos Garcia (Mexico), KVNGAZLAN (Malaysia) & Jeslyn Lam (Canada). There's also interviews with DROPDEAD, Radio Raheem Records, Ian Shelton from Regional Justice Center, Mark McCoy (Youth Attack/Charles Bronson), 11PM Records, & Dwid Hellion from Integrity, and 150+ reviews of recent releases from around the world. The whole thing is fleshed out with photos--including images of Exotica, Youth of Today, Power Trip, Loose Nukes, Vaaska, Napalm Death, Devil Master, Vaxine & more!