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Johnny Would You Love Me If...
by Brontez Purnell
softcover, 126 pages, 5.5" x 8.5"
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As an HIV+ writer trapped in the Bay Area's hipster-food-service purgatory, Brontez Purnell (aka Junx from the legendary Gravy Train) is "privy to some pretty tawdry bullshit" -- and he's dishing the whole hot mess up for you ala carte, with a side of tossed salad, and a generous portion of his own soul for dessert.
Purnell is a Shaolin monk of shade, with a perzinester's compulsion for confession, and the kind of razor-in-shoe sense of humor that a writer can only bless you with after signing a couple long-term leases in hell. He can dredge humor from the lowest of lows and the highest of gallows: his positive diagnosis ("I was feeling rather AIDS-y"); a 12-step program ("As part of our treatment process in Barebackers Anonymous we had to complete weekly assignments. Assignment #1: Go buy some condoms you dirty whore"); therapy ("I scheduled an appointment with my therapist even though that bitch is my worst enemy"); bad days at the bath house ("Like if you put every dude shopping at Target on any given day in towels and put them in this sex maze").
Purnell takes life's lemons and makes a damn good mimosa. He can make you laugh through the horror, and throw in a santaria death-curse recipe at no extra cost. ~GS