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Diableries a Trip To the Underworld 19th Century Images of Satan and Hell
by Candice Black and ed
Published by Sun Vision
120p, b&w, softcover, 8.5"x11"
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Quite adorable book of 72 images of Satan partying taken from a stereoscope portfolio, presented in small sequential view and in up-close detail spreads. Meticulous miniature sculptures of Satan and his living skeletons boating and feasting, meeting the Sun God, tempting saints, getting drunk, crowning virgins and going shopping in the underworld. Hella cute! -EF
The French do love their demons. This title features black and white photos of Satan and related demons/victims. The images are actually stereoscopic photos, meaning that clay sculptures are photographed, hand-colored on the reverse side and then backed with tissue paper before being secured between cardboard windows. When these Diableries ("devilries") are backlit, they look all sorts of crazy. Skeletons, horns, skulls, sometimes in strangely jubilant and jaunty angles. A dead man's party! -LM