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85A ( Eighty Five A)
by Kyle Thomas Smith
Published by Bascom Hill
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"85A tracks a watershed day in the life of an adolescent antihero. Foulmouthed with a capital F-word, Seamus embodies Johnny Rotten's anachic image as a way of fending off the bullies at home, at school and in his whites-only neighborhood. Luckily for him, his mixed-race teen-prodigy friend Tressa opens him up to great books and experiences that turn his worldview on its head. Similarly, the Chicago L takes Seamus into integrated areas, giving him a glimpse of life outside the neighborhood, and Chicago's thriving music and art scenes fortify his rebellion against the mainstream. Through it all, Seamus basks in rebroadcasted BBC dramas, dreaming of what life would be if only he could stow away to London."
224p, 5.5"x8.5"