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Lowbrow Reader #13

Lowbrow Reader #13

by Brian Abrams, Jesse Eisenberg, Nathan Gelgud, Jackie Gendel, Doreen Kirchner, John Mathias, Jay Ruttenberg, Jay Ruttenberg, Lucinda Schreiber, Tamara Shopsin and Amos Vogel

8.5"x5.5", 40p, stapled, cardstock ccrea cover w/ b+w inside


ISSUE 13 includes:


Me and Bugs by Jesse Eisenberg


Nile Rodgers on Coming to America by Brian Abrams


Sendak’s Comic B-Sides by Jay Ruttenberg


How Lori Washed the Windows of a Skyscraper by Amos Vogel


Elaine May Is Missing! by Nathan Gelgud


Joan Rivers…at Home…February 1, 2007 by Jay Ruttenberg



by John Mathias (cover), Jackie Gendel, Doreen Kirchner, Lucinda Schreiber, and Tamara Shopsin