The Spring 2021 issue of the long-running lit journal where every story starts with the same first line. This time around:
"Darryl slid three quarters into the vending machine and weighed his options."
Strange Deskfellows by Reed Kuehn
Decisions by Veronica LaBelle
Family Man by Joseph S. Walker
Just a Little Something by Shelli Cornelison
The Afterlife Bus Services Route by Madeline Jacobson
The Shell by Cesar Montufar
Shadows by Kathryn Lynn Carroll
The V.E.N.D., Thursdays on NBC by Ian McCurtis
Sparrows of the City by Elizabeth Nash
Hazy Illusion of Choice by Timothy Lawver
Last Stand by Halley Fehner
Favorite First Lines: Starting Mid-Stream: riverrunning through the first line of Finnegans Wake by Casey Lawrence