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Home / Store / Zines / Roctober #24
by Jake Austen
8.25"x11", b+w, color cover
Roc out with Sugar Pie Desanto, Vanilla Ice and the Swingin' Neckbreakers!
Punk'nhead by Jake Austen
Patti Smith by James Porter
Go to the Hole Barbie by Eric Searleman
Sugar Pie Desanto by James Porter
Vanilla Ice by Jake Austen
Swingin' Neckbreakers by John Battles
Second Coming by Rob Syers
The Last Day of Albert Ayler
Get into It
The Wix REcord Story by Ken Burke
Ray Smith by John Battles
Comix by Buzzsaw, Dan Buck and James Loverde
Sammy in NEw YOrk by Jake Austen
Grace Hill by Slink Moss and more!