New Stuff This Week
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Quimbys Bookstore (@quimbysbookstore) Zines The Man In the Clock a Novel by David G. Cookson $10 Sisyphan #1 & #2 by Aunty $10 each Proof I Exist …
1854 W. North Ave · Chicago, IL 60622 · 773-342-0910
Home / Store / Quimby's Schwag / Qustomized Quimby's Zine Package $100 Version
by Quimby's Bookstore and Various
zines! mini-comics! chap books! probably photocopied! probably stapled! probably made in the spirit of rebellious and introverted passion!
Hey big spender! Thank you for your devotion to the zine arts and also, to small businesses in a time of scarcity!
Let us select $69 worth of zines for you. Tell us what kind of stuff you like in the "Order Notes" section of your order, and Quimby's will be your zine and mini-comics sommelier.
P.S. Read some of the more hilarious Qustomized zine package Order Notes by Quimby's customers in Quaranzine #61, published by Public Collectors.
Promo image for zine package by Caroline Cash.