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Marijuana Pest and Disease Control

Marijuana Pest and Disease Control

by Ed Rosenthal

Published by Quick American Publishing

258p, full color, softcover, 8"x10"


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"A wide range of pests, diseases, and nutrient deficiencies can zap
the vitality of any cannabis garden. Inexperienced gardeners often
rely on pesticides that are not registered for edibles, as well as
other harmful or ineffective techniques that can render plants
unusable. This resourceful guide comes to the rescue, showing
gardeners how to win back a garden and nurture plants to their full
potential, using safe, organic, and integrated pest management
techniques. In addition to providing readers with the know-how to get
their plants healthy, Marijuana Pest and Disease Control highlights
design and garden practices to prevent future infections. Author Ed
Rosenthal gears the book to gardeners at every level of experience
and in any growing situation from indoor, outdoor, and greenhouse to
hydro and terrace gardens. Extensive color photographs and

illustration help identify the exact problem."