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by Lale Westvind
88p, color, 8.5"x11" plus mix tape cassette
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Westvind assembles a crack team of creepers and crawlers to give you an A-V freekout. Comics from Nick Jackson, Ben Bertin, Lale Westvind, Jeremy Tinder, Lisa Cline, Robert Calzone, Lyra Hill, Ian McDuffie and Bill Cleveland. Music from Turbosleaze, The Cake Worm, Ixe Ixe I Grec, Julia K Rich, Paper Tiger, Mathyou Landvote, Mara Mayer, Bad Wolf, Old Table and Violet Mice. With and All-Scar lineup like this you get more rotted meat psychic damage than you can shake your stick at, and I mean that in the best way. -EF