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Prince Zine

Prince Zine

by Joshua James Amberson


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R U Ready 4 This 1?

Although Amberson is no fanatical Rainbow Child, there's more than enough purple passion and royal dedication here to assemble an inspired and juicy analysis of Prince's dynasty, talent, discography and lifestyle choices. I like most that the zine puts some time and thought into getting behind Prince's rampant weirdness- it's not at all some sorry joke at Prince's expense like that Mirror interview, but it doesn't exactly let him off the hook either - it's critical AND playful AND willing to admit that at everyone's core there IS a huge weirdo.

It may also be worthy of note that this zine rolled into Quimby's on a snowy day in April, so it's a little cosmic too, y'know? -EF

58p, b&w with purple cover, 5.5"x8.5"


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